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Are you a healthy, non-Hispanic African American or non-Hispanic Caucasian woman aged 50 or over?

We invite you to take part in an important clinical study designed to evaluate biomarker and molecular characteristics in biospecimens from healthy individuals like you.

Verify your eligibility in under 2 minutes.

In this study, we aim to understand the molecular characteristics present in biospecimens from healthy individuals. Your participation will provide valuable data that could contribute to the development of future preventive and therapeutic measures.

Who Can Participate?

This study is specifically looking for

  • Non-Hispanic African American or non-Hispanic Caucasian women

  • Aged 50 or above

  • With a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or less.

Why Participate?

Participating in this study not only gives you the opportunity to contribute to valuable medical research, but also to receive compensation for your time and involvement. You will receive $50 for the initial visit and $25 for a follow-up phone call.

Study Process

This study consists of one visit, during which a blood sample will be taken for analysis. A follow-up phone call will occur one year later to check on your health status.

Will this affect my insurance or medical services?

Your information will remain strictly confidential; there will be no engagement with your insurance for billing purposes. You and your doctor will continue to make decisions about your care.

Does it cost me anything?

No, you do not have to pay anything to be involved on this study. Health insurance is not required for participation in this study. Investigational medication and study procedures are provided at no cost. A per visit stipend and travel related costs will be provided.

What are Clinical Trials?

Before regulatory authorities, responsible for approving medicines for use in each country, can consider an investigational drug, device or procedure for approval, it must be shown to be both safe and effective. Typically, this is accomplished through clinical trials — carefully designed and monitored studies intended to test and evaluate these investigational drugs, devices or procedures.


Miami Lakes, FL

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